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As we look ahead to Mother’s Day, we might naturally think of our own mothers. It may be easy to think of things we wish we could change about our relationships with our own moms or things we wish we could change about ourselves as mothers. But even with all the imperfections, today we want to celebrate all the moms out there who are giving it their all. Motherhood is not easy, but it can be good. It is an incredible gift. One that joyfully engages us just as we are and yet graciously refuses to let us remain unchanged. Let’s talk about the wonderful changes of motherhood.
So, today let’s take a deep breath and consider the gift of motherhood and all the changes that come with it. The birth of a child changes our weekend plans, body shape, and the quality and quantity of our sleep. Life suddenly becomes splattered by mess, and lots of interruptions, and (SO MUCH) laundry. But our attitudes and priorities are transformed as well. There are times that this process is obvious, and we feel like everyone can see us failing. But plenty of days, this change is harder to recognize. We respond with a calm word and patient smile instead of a quick snap of frustration. Or we take the time to practice apology and forgiveness. Over time, the smallest moments result in real and noticeable changes.
Motherhood can feel like a lot of responsibility, but maybe its purpose is actually pretty simple. To love and enjoy our kids. For now, we can choose to pay attention to the life and joy all around us. Best of all, we aren’t on this journey of motherhood alone. There are other moms who can offer support and hope for all the changes along the way. Whether that encouragement comes in the form of a support group at Lifeline, a reliable babysitter, or a friend, we are better together. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who are changing the world by loving well!