Lifeline offers a variety of support services to women and men in Northeast Missouri in need of help and community resources. Just like the rest of our services, these support services are offered at no cost and are strictly confidential. Learn more about each of them below.
Lifeline does not provide or refer for abortions.
Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, you may have a lot of questions. This is why we have PLANS, which stands for Prenatal Lessons and Nurturing Supplies. This program has a simple premise. You first complete a lesson on topics such as labor and delivery, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and more. You then earn points that you can spend in our baby boutique. Note that we keep the boutique stocked and updated on a regular basis.
Pregnancy involves much more than just taking a test and having an ultrasound. We partner with agencies that offer a variety of services, like medical care, housing, education, jobs, and insurance. Depending on the needs you may have, we will gladly refer you to those community services to make sure you get the appropriate help.
Lifeline offers tutoring and testing services for new moms and dads wanting to take the HiSET (the High School Equivalency Exam). Our tutor has experience with adult learners and offers no-cost tutoring sessions and testing options at our clinic.
Lifeline’s licensed counselor supports expectant and new parents as they navigate the changes of new parenthood. She specializes in topics of unexpected pregnancy, healthy relationships, and trauma. She can also refer to other local counselors and different community resources.
If you have experienced the pain of pregnancy loss you are not alone. Lifeline offers two-day small group retreats for women, men or couples to connect, to heal, and to grieve with others who have experienced similar losses. These retreats are a safe space for those who are longing to share their story and to connect with others who share that pain. If you are interested in signing-up for an upcoming retreat, email
If you are experiencing abortion regrets, you are not alone! We offer resources for healing and hope. Our peer counselor can help you navigate the complex emotions following an abortion. We offer post-abortion recovery sessions to any woman who has been affected by an abortion.